This Is Why I Am Motivated to Work at Home, What Motivates You?

Here are some of the reasons I can easily stay motivated working at home. I revel in the peace, working at home gives me. To me it is pure bliss. No constant chatter of a sales office, the constant voices on the phone, with people interrupting your thought pattern when you are concentrating on a particular task. I just feel I have a big fat smile on my face all day, most days. Of course some tasks can be tedious but then they were at work, and I couldn't stop for a minute and make a coffee any time I wanted. I love what I am doing, I am creative by nature so I find delight in many of the tasks I do. I can take time to make sure the layout of a webpage or letter is to my liking. I can create articles out of nothing but a thought or an idea. It feels they grow out of thin air. I have a fascination with words and love writing. I love a challenge, so when I find something frustrating or tricky to master I like the satisfaction of the challenge and enjoy successfully completing it. I love learning and discovering new things I didn't think I could achieve, and learning ways to do things better or more effectively. I love the freedom of making decisions and the time freedom and flexibility it offers me. I have no difficulty staying motivated I enjoy what I am doing so much. I love being warm and comfortable in attractive surroundings of my choice, with the garden view through the window. I take a short lunch-break at a time that suits me, enjoying the time I allow myself, but eager to return to complete the tasks I have set myself. I usually stop again around 4pm to continue again most evenings. You would need to choose your work pattern, one that suits you and fits into your lifestyle. The time freedom and flexibility are a big bonus. I wouldn't change my way of life. Working at home for me is perfect, but it wouldn't suit everyone. So if it is something you are contemplating give it some serious thought. I hope you get as much pleasure from it as I do. So to sum up: I enjoy working at home immensely. Most of what I do I find pleasure in, would you feel the same? I enjoy the peaceful surroundings, with few interruptions and to schedule my life as I choose. I like the flexibility. I like to challenge myself and learn new skills without a time pressure set by someone else. How do you feel about this? Is working at home the right choice for you? I also like to work to my strengths. I am aware what is important to me. You will find when you do something you love doing, it isn't a chore, you are motivated by your own wish to achieve what you have set out to do. You can enjoy the day-to-day progress as well as the satisfaction of completing your goal. What more could anyone wish for, there are only a limited number of people who are lucky enough and able to work at something they love. People like actors, writers and sports people. Are you brave enough to follow your dream? You too could be one of the lucky few?

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